This system is for managing entire health facet of a human being in an organized way for his whole life period. It assembles all health institutions under one umbrella (system) so that a complete medical treatment workflow can be managed through one system. A complete health information of a person or entire population of a nation is available at one place. It covers all health related information and/or activities of a person in his regular life that include doctor visits, inpatient treatments, lab tests, medication, allergies, any procedures, insurance etc. This system is to maintain a person’s health activities from his birth to death. This is not simply a public health or hospital or revenue cycle management system. It comprises all EHR functionalities, it has some exceptional features that keep this system unique from other EHR systems.
Hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies use this system for their daily workflows to record, track and report patient’s treatment activities. A person profile is created in the system by his own or by hospital clerks when he first time visited the health care institution (hospital, laboratory etc.,). The workflow of this health care activity is maintained in this system.
Some of the Features
Hospital or Clinic
Dental Clinic
Laboratory or Radiology
Patient Portal
Hospital or Clinic :
- Healthcare coding systems like ICD-10, SNOMED, LOINC, Procedure codes, CPT, MDC, DICOM, UCUM, Indian drug database are used for value sets.
- HL7 and FHIR protocol standards with highly secured layer communication and two layered OAuth2 architecture.
- Primary entities and elements designed based on FHIR resources to suit for interoperability and data sharing among stakeholders.
- HIPAA compliance, quality measurements, modular structure on clinical and administration side.
- Well defined roles for providers and flexibility of customizing their names as well as flexibility of playing more than one role.
- Single login to a provider having works for multiple health institutions with multiple roles.
- Admin Role login into an institution can do all administrative activities including onboarding, roles, privileges, and permissions setting for other users, master data setting, inventory management, pricing, reports etc.,
- Inbuilt appointments scheduling and maintenance.
- Consults/Referrals among providers in intra and inter organizations.
- Permanent Person/Patient's demographics and health profile maintenance. Universal person/patient identity for interoperability.
- Quick ordering of multiple prescriptions(labs, medicines) on single click.
- Care Team and Care Plan management.
- Our sophisticated notes editor will take the responsibility of preparing notes for obtaining preauthorization and receiving payments from third party payer organizations.
- Provided some major Notes templates(global templates) for ready to use to generate notes. Also, physicians can make their own custom templates using pre-defined phrases.
- Faster review of orders, diagnosis and treatment in an encounter while processing discharge of a patient through our well defined discharge module.
- Well structured Order Sets helps the physician to take quick decisions on the plan of action to define tasks for him or nurse to treat the patient at the time of admission, in-progress and discharge for some common diseases.
- mage Viewer tool for viewing radiology images(JPEG, JPG etc.,) and videos (DICOM) uploaded from radiology facilities to be viewed by physician from his PC, no matter wherever he is, he can prescribe or take steps further steps for the patient.
- History module is to view past records of treatments or encounters of the patient in the same hospital or in other hospital or clinic (by obtaining permission from that hospital).
Pharmacy :
- Our pharmacy institution login is specially designed for quick dispense of the drugs from their inbox in busy hours for pharmacies. Apart from that, admin functionality for admin role to maintain inventory, and to see performance, or sale reports etc.,
- Drugs master database is provided to pharmacies to maintain their own inventory, pricing etc.,
Dental Clinic :
- Similar features available for dental clinics as well.
Laboratory or Radiology :
- Our laboratory institution login provides well defined workflows for processing the received specimens or collecting specimens from patients and recording them to the preordered labs from doctors.
- Inputting the results into the system for immediate view of doctor and uploading images or DICOM files into the permanent storage file server, so that doctor can view them directly in image viewer. Hence no need of carrying any films.
- It also has performance and/or business reports, Admin module for administering their lab or imaging institution.
- Maintaining lab/image tests or panels collecting from master LOINC database and fixing custom fields with locally used nomenclature and units of measurement.
Patient Portal :
- Our Patient portal is an additional asset providing as separate PERSON login to see his TO DO list like pending prescriptions or orders to fulfill, future appointments etc., on the actions page.
- Can request for or schedule(if requesting hospital or institution allowing self-scheduling by patient) an appointment to a doctor, sending offline message if incase needed any quick suggestion.
- Can request for or schedule(if requesting hospital or institution allowing self-scheduling by patient) an appointment to a doctor, sending offline message if incase needed any quick suggestion.
- Telemedicine(video calling) appointments through the system with preferred doctor, and online chatting etc., are great features for getting best services from health institutions.
- Patient can maintain his own profile as well as health profile and demographics as one time entry, so that this data can be viewed or done necessary changes in the patient's profile by nurse or doctor on his visit to them to make it more accurate and up to date from time to time.
- Recent lab results and history lab results, current home medication and history medication etc., data can be viewed here.
- Mobile/email messages for reminders and important health checkups and/or lab tests are suggested periodically to the individuals for their wellbeing and preventive care.