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Java Cloud Engineer

Home Java Cloud Engineer

Java Cloud Engineer

Job Description

Satya Soft looking for persuasive Java Cloud Engineer to promote their EHR / EMR Healthcare system. Responsibilities should include the following but not limited to:


  • Identifying the controller services in controller(web) layer which are mapped to request mapping end points to receive web calls in monolithic application.
  • Identifying the service methods from business layer services in monolithic which are providing service to above mentioned web layer controller methods.
  • Design and develop some user interface screens for React Native work which can be used for mobile interfaces as well by splitting or merging JavaScript / jQuery and JSP code using micro front-end mechanism as backend web service calls are being changed to REST API calls.
  • Prepare UML diagrams to visualize flow among these services like sequence and class diagrams.
  • Business layer services convert them to microservices and web layer services convert to REST API with few exceptions and integrating REST API with microservices behind, and provide required rules like security, registry, configuration etc., at the API level using spring cloud and using spring boot.
  • To be able to incorporate Actuator health check components.
  • At microservices level implement circuit breaker, micro proxy, service registration, service-to-service call and messaging.
  • Setup Spring boot Mongo Template for MongoDB repositories.
  • All services are containerized with docker and push them to Git repository where Gitlab scripts are written for continuous CI/CD to AWS cloud. Writing scripts for CI/CD pipeline in deployment.yml.
  • Setup check dependencies, Veracode security scan etc., then build and deploy to Kubernetes EKS which are automated to test server initially for integration testing.
  • Experience on Redis server for distributed caching mechanism to share caching data.
  • ActiveMQ Artemis service for distributed messaging among microservices. Topic and Queue message broker configuration, code setup for distributed JMS messaging and asynchronous processes.
  • File Push and Read to/from AWS S3 bucket.


  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or its equivalent.
  • Excellent organizational skills.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Exceptional customer service skills.
  • Persuasive and resilient.
  • Gained knowledge on EMR/EHR systems is an added advantage.

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